For cats and dogs, a visit to a veterinarian is equivalent to a human being’s visit to a primary care physician. Just like human PCPs, though, veterinarians are not specialists, and sometimes pets require specialized care. Inspired by a medical emergency involving one of their own pets, real estate developer Meridian Veterinary Capital partnered with veterinary specialty provider MedVet Medical and Cancer Center for Pets to fill this need for specialty and 24/7 emergency medicine services for pets in the Dallas area.
The project, which was MedVet’s first expansion in the Dallas market, entailed renovating an existing retail building on a three-acre parcel of land in the central part of the city. The rehabbed building is expected to bring new life to the area by serving as a commercial anchor.
The renovation of the building includes eight exam rooms, a robust complement of emergency and specialty medicine suites, four surgical suites, a central lab and full service imaging including CT, X-ray, and MRI machines. Space is provided for emergency care, anesthesia and pain management, internal medicine, neurology, cardiology, medical oncology, radiology, surgery, and rehabilitation. Expansion space in two single-story wings was included to accommodate future services or co-location of other complimentary pet-centered businesses, and expansion space on-site was planned for the future expansion of radiation oncology services to augment the medical oncology initially planned for this hospital.