Maximizing a site’s potential.


Arlington Gateway is a dynamic mixed-use infill project along the prominent and busy east/west connector road of Lane Avenue in Upper Arlington. Just down the street from The Ohio State University’s new Innovation District dubbed Carmenton, the development features ground floor retail, restaurant and bank uses with 230 apartment units on the second through sixth floors that wrap around an 866-space parking garage; over 137,000 SF of office on floors seven through eleven round out the building.

The project presented numerous challenges, one being the site itself. The three-acre size of the site and the L-shape provided a major challenge to get to the owner’s required program to fit. The owner wanted to maximize the site’s potential with a true live/work/play mixed-use building. The development helps fullfil part of the City’s efforts for economic-development focused reinvestment within their Lane Avenue Planned Mixed-Use District.

Project Stats
Columbus, OH
$76 million
245,000 SF
Project Services